71374 : Super Mario Nintendo Entertainment System by 11st Apr.2023
71374 : Super Mario Nintendo Entertainment System by 11st Apr.2023
By The content comes from other sites April 11th, 2023
71374 : Super Mario Nintendo Entertainment System by 11st Apr.2023
The set contains 2 manuals, respectively, the game host part and the TV part. The instruction booklet introduces the three designers of this work.
Also introduces some classic games on the NES. Set contains the parts bag numbered 1-21, and three stickers, two for the cassette and one for the back of the TV.

Although the exterior looks relatively simple, but this set has a rich internal structure, the process of putting together does not feel tedious.
The bottom of the mainframe is mainly composed of basic bricks.

The cassette slots are cleverly shelved by tech pieces and springs. On both sides, a large number of 1x2x3 inverted slopes are used to restore the sloping design of the host case.
The heat sink uses a 2x2 plate with only two bumps, spaced apart by black parts.
The main engine housing is composed of two parts: the integral housing and the card slot cover. The clamshell is deceptically simple, but the designers cleverly hid the building block bumps, giving it the sleek edges of the real NES.
The shape of the cassette is very simple, but the handle is much more complicated.
The TV part uses more technology than the main console, and the base part is integrated with a gear-driven structure and six small wheels that help the screen move smoothly.The sides of the TV have brown panels, which give it a lot of texture.

The scrolling screen consists of two tracks and 16 gray longboards, each topped with colored parts that can be identified by the electronic Malio in 71360.
Finally, the front cover plate, although the structure looks simple, but actually very strong.
The gears on the back are connected to soft green rods that click when we turn the TV's knobs.
The gears on the back are connected to soft green rods that click when we turn the TV's knobs.
It's worth mentioning that the TV doesn't have any connection with the lower bracket, but simply sits on the bracket. When you turn the handle, the TV may shift.

Overall display
The finished surface of the mainframe is almost free of any exposed building blocks, and the smooth exterior has a very high degree of reproduction.
The model is slightly smaller than the real console, measuring around 21cm, compared to the real NES's 25cm. The kit is filled with various printed pieces, including the Nintendo logo, power supply and reset button.

Open the card slot cover, the internal structure is also very restore, put the tape and push down will lock the position, press down again will pop up.

Open the top lid to look inside the slot, and the four rubber tires ensure the cassette slides in place.The effect after putting in the cassette.
The shape of the cassette is slightly bland, but very restored.

There are no very important details on the left side of the model.
The rear base restores various connection ports, including the power outlet, switch and RF modulator output port, unfortunately there is no data cable provided to connect to the TV.Video and audio output ports on the side of the host.
Above the audio and video output port, there is a movable cover plate hidden. When opened, the level of Mario game is displayed inside. The green water pipe and yellow brick are very recognizable.
The port at the handle connection also has a detailed design, and the clamp inside the port can really restore the action of inserting and removing the handle wire.

The handle is connected by a 40cm pneumatic tube, and the plug is realistic. The gamepad is meticulously reproduced for each button.
The TV is 24cm wide and has a retro look reminiscent of the NES.
There are plenty of buttons on the side and a detailed printed logo in red, green and blue. Below are the volume, brightness and contrast adjustment buttons. The other side restores the shape of a television speaker;
There is also a TV logo in the middle at the bottom of the screen.

Turn the handle, the contents of the TV screen will move to the left, thus creating the illusion of Mario running to the right, Mario will jump up and down according to the terrain, while the screen has super mushrooms, question mark tiles, coins and other characters and props.
The back of the TV has a classic "big butt" look, while the label also contains a number of Easter eggs, such as designer Daire McCabe's initials and phone number. The production date pays homage to the NES 'predecessor, the Family Computer FC console, which was released in Japan on July 15, 1983.

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