10316: The Lord of The Rings Blocks By 25th Apr.2023
10316: The Lord of The Rings Blocks By 25th Apr.2023
By The content comes from other sites April 25th, 2023
10316: The Lord of The Rings Blocks By 25th Apr.2023
The parts package has a total of 49 sequences and contains separate weapon packs as well as multiple base plates.
There are two sheets of sticky paper for portrait, map and decoration.
The instructions are presented on a white background, the cover is drawn in the style of simple lines, and each instruction book is drawn in pencil to show the part to be built. The upper right corner of the instructions uses the shape of the leaves of the sprite to show the serial number of the build.
The building is divided into 3 parts: the tower and the river, the forge and the armory, and the Ragnarok council chamber.

Manchild's weapons are also specially built for this set, with elven swords, dwarven axes, human longswords and broadswords, stabbing dings and broken Nahir holy swords.
The first part: the tower, we started from the foundation, the foundation used the common bottom of most buildings to put together the way, long strips of bricks to do around the top to cover the base plate.
On the first floor of the tower is Elrond's study, and to the right is where the statues of the five elven ancestors are placed.
Elrond's study on the first floor, where Gandalf and Elrond are discussing how to destroy the Ring. The books on the bookcase look great, with varying colors and spines, flanked by decorative scrolls. In addition, this room contains a pair of candlesticks and a dining room with green cushions.
The painting on the wall on the second floor is the picture of Ixildu cutting the Supreme Ring off from Sauron's hand with the sacred sword of Naxil in the final alliance battle.
Behind the portrait is Frodo's room. After the crisis at Stormtop, the elves who arrived sent him to the Valley of the Shadow, and Elrond healed him by removing the blade fragment from the wound in his shoulder. After Frodo recovered from his injuries, he was surprised to find in this room that Gandalf had also arrived safely. The statue above the bed and the bed quilt pattern are sticky paper.
Writing desk:
The roof consists of several large baseboards covered with 1X1 glossy brick tiles, placed at a 45° angle. Here the official gives a quick way to organize and adjust the tiles by brushing a long strip of 2X14 tiles back and forth so that the tiles will naturally align.
The tower's foundation is formed with an octagonal shape with a circular base, and up the stone wall is a space with a fence, and the tower tapers from the bottom to the top.
One side of the first floor uses white tail parts to form a gothic arch. On the other side is an open scene layout. The wall below the roof is a mural, and on the other side is a towering tower and a statue of an elven ancestor at the bottom.
The second part: the river, the forge and the armory, this part provides the scenic elements of the whole set, the river, a lot of vegetation to increase the texture of the forest and restore the world of mid-continent. This is the rightmost part of the whole model. The base is a staggered patchwork and also uses the diagonal patchwork technique.

The blue waterfall uses hatch parts and the white parts present the foam of water falling down.
The trees appear in 2 colors, green and yellow. The way of building is similar to the way of building the tree in 21338 A type wooden house. Near the trees is the forge of the elves, where they recast the sacred sword of Nahir.
Arch bridge:
The gazebo is the top of the armory and is one of the freely removable parts in this model. The base is rounded by horizontal piecing technique, and the back side uses a large number of mechanical parts to do the fixing.
The top uses six groups of modules of the same shape to form a circle, and the top is then embedded with white curved patterned parts to form a dome. By inserting six white columns into the base at the bottom, the whole gazebo is built.
Part III: The Ragnarok Council Chamber, this part is the main building of the whole model, the important Elrond meeting was held in the courtyard outside his room, a large tree overlooking the scene.
The foundation part uses a large number of frame parts, and the floor pattern is all printed pieces, very gorgeous.

Colorful eggs.
The whole building structure is open and ventilated, with many columns, and the column structure is very strong.
The white decorative pattern column used 1X1 bricks as the foundation, then candlesticks and cake cups to form the column, and then build the decorative pattern parts on top, the overall construction needs to be carefully, this part is not very strong. But the effect presented is very gorgeous.
The roof tile section is organized in the same way as the roof of the tower in front of it, except that this time there are several times as many.
Next is a small pavilion with a piece of Lambas placed on a table in the middle of the pavilion. The base, columns and roof can be said to be a reduced collection of various ways of putting together the whole model: the horizontally pieced base, the candelabra columns, and the mosaic roof.
The next step was the erection of the parliamentary venue. The chair uses sausage parts seat armrests, popsicle parts as the backrest, but the chair is not fixed above the point, resulting in the man-child to sit on it will slide down. The base is made of my world series of latent shadow box, each turned 45 ° angle nested in the next inside.
The trunk of the tree is very thick, the exterior still uses several cylindrical parts to represent the roots and vines of the coiled roots, this is a relatively rare way of presentation. The leaves of the tree are similar to those of the trees in the front forge, but the lushness is much denser than those two.
The green cypress tree next to the side pavilion is another way to put together, this tree uses a hinge to fix the way to gather the leaves upwards.​​​​​​​

There is a white bench at the bottom of the side pavilion steps, and this bench is the scene when Frodo and Bilbo reunited in the valley of the shadow.​​​​​​​
Let's see what it looks like when it's all done.

That's All for This time Review. Welcome to know more compatible The Lord of Ring Rivendell Blocks, Click Here Available!

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